- Añadido cargador de Archivos. El del DSOrganize
- Rediseñada la grabadora de sonidos.
- Arreglado el actualizador. No estoy muy seguro que funcione pues tarda mucho.
- Añadida una cancion para el reproductor.
- Añadido Panel de Control.
- Añadido Raton a la Pantalla.
Dejen sus comentarios.
P.D: Vuelvan a descargarlo, porque los gráficos estaban mal.
14 comentarios:
enhorabuena por traer una nueva versión y a ver si llegas lejos con esta aplicación
henorabuena y jooo creia que iva a tener navegador webbb porfa para la psoxima lo espero
I do not want to be unpleasant, but I think at some point you have copied ideas from other homebrew, here where they were copied indication:
paint-palib example.
x-soft recorder.
remove or put mouse x-soft.
sd-list for example palib.
editor-example palib and x-soft and wintendox.
mouse on stylus-x-soft.
room of options for shutdown and x-soft-stop.
repare of button-x-soft.
ect ...- x-soft, dsorganize, wintendox, ect ...
not copy what others are doing.
byebye good homebrew.
The First Of All. The updater is from PAlib forums. The DSOrganize NDs Runner is from Chishm.
The Mouse isn't a Idea from x-Soft, it is in Windows, Linux and other OS.
The recorder of x-Soft is from PAlib example, but it putted other graphics. The Text Editor exists in Windows, Linux and other OS, it isn't a copy.
The Player Of DarkSo isn't inspirated in the x-Soft player.
The Repare of Button is more old than the x-Soft, it was my first Homebrew, but i didn't show to te people it.
The ShutDown isn't from x-Soft, it programmed By Me.
The SD List isn't from PAlib, it was created by Chishm if you read the source from it.
Mouse on Stylus is more old than x-Soft.
If I make an application for myself and then tell me that the copy then none of the applications could be made.
Soft-x would also be a plagiarism of this WintendosXP and Windows.
The Notebook is not complete, even things that you are not but you want to add.
I modifi ALL the applications what i get from examples adding functions and more things.
My Ideas for The Homebrew are:
Text Editor.
Web Browser.
Files Explorer.
Button Tester.
.raw and .mp3 music player.
And a lot of more Applications for it.
Don't tell we thief
I do not think that this game gets very far because you are more than 5 and still going at a snail's pace, and soft x-despite being only two people is twice as fast, if I look Cree forum:
[url] [/ url]
I will participate with them and I will give them the same launcher files you remove the source file dsorganize, then you will not say that because if you copied says it will respond with the same coin.
do not be angry, to be perfectly up poena peude criticism.
Las cosas del DarkSO son normales, no veo porque tiene que ser robado si es lo que tiene un ordenador; reproductor, explorador de archivos, el raton, el bloc de notas, internet, juegos, etc...
Así que por lo que a mí respecta ningún homebrew se copia entre sí, si no que usa un sistema operativo de ordenadores para hacer una base. Y no todo el mundo hace un sistema operativo que se continue y que pueda convertirse en algo mucho mejor.
Google traductor:
DarkSO's things are normal, I don't see because it has to be stolen if you have a computer, player, file browser, mouse, notebook, internet, games, etc ...
So as far as I am concerned no homebrew is copied from one another, if not an operating system that uses computers to make a base. And not everyone makes an operating system that will continue and that it can become something much better.
At The Moment Only I Am Working In The DarkSo. I Am A Person.
Muy weno!!!!! Conke copiones, eh? Ke c... esperaba en un SO?
Seh, se creen que es muy facil hacerlo y luego cuando se lo propones al día abandonan. Ya hacemos bastante con que aguantamos con el So.
because I know more than you palib insured, so the day you leave.
signed by redregot30.
I'm 13 years old. I can't know all the functions of PAlib. I need also tutorials, but i always write the code. I used 3 Tutorials. I have my Ideas. I don't get nothing from other programs.
If i copy from the x-Soft it copies from Wintendos, and it copies from Windows Xp. All OS have the equals applications. I only create DarkSo for funny. I don't want fight with nothing. If You Think Wha I Copy Content from Other OS beyond you. i think what you only want annoy me.
I End This Commentare Here, I Don't Want Fight with you. Yo don't have the reason.
I also want to fight with anyone so it was a criticism, but I ask is that I will not apologize for criticizing his work so great.
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